Why ‘How to get a job in PR’ includes PR practitioners AND academics

ImageI am just one person with one opinion.  I happen to think my opinion is valid when it comes to giving job hunting advice to entry-level job seekers – I have a lot of success of helping graduates securing their first PR positions – but it is by no means the ONLY opinion that matters.  That’s why when I was researching for ‘How to get a job in PR’ I decided that it was important to include the views of PR pracititioners.  Entry-level PRs need to hear from employers that the advice I’m giving them is sound, and it’s great to get tips from the horse’s mouth too.

But I didn’t stop there.  I decided to ask PR academics for their views too.  Very rarely do you see academics and practitioners quoted in the same article or book, but I think it’s absolutely essential that the industry pays closer attention to what academics have to say and that practitioners and academics work together to attact great talent to the profession.

It seems I’m not the only one.  At the NEMO conference in Sweden last week, Stephen Waddington declared that in order to be an expert as a practitioner, there must be academic rigour – sparking this blog post from Stuart Bruce and this from Wadds himself.

I was absolutely delighted by the response from the PR academic community including Richard Bailey (pictured), and the organiser of NEMO, Philip Young,  who were very keen to be included in the book and offer some really fantastic insights for junior PRs.

‘How to get a job in PR’ will be out on 10th December.

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