Category Archives: Web/Tech

Social Media; The Death of Print?


Well here I am again advertising something…. it will stop soon… However this may be of interest as it touches on social media and PR, both of which are meant to be featured regularly on this blog.

Unicorn Jobs in conjunction with our sister company, Taylor Bennett, is hosting a round table called, erm, "Social Media; The Death of Print?"  It’s on March 10th at the Charlotte Street Hotel.  If you’re a Facebook user you can see details here:

If you’re not a Facebook user how do you ever get invites to anything?  Email me and I’ll send you something in plain text.

It should be a hotly debated topic.  If you know bugger all about social media then all the better, we will introduce you to the world of blogs, podcasts and virtual worlds.  (I saw Second Life on a CSI episode the other night…. that may be a whole other post).

Anyway, if you want to come send an email to and say you’d like to be there. 

What’s more, you get to meet me and have a beer.  What more could you want?

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Filed under PR, Public Relations, Social Media, Web/Tech

VlogYourJob goes live!!

Here at Indigo Red, we’re passionate about being innovative.   Speak to any recruiter, in almost any industry, and they will tell you that finding great candidates is the hardest part of their job and it takes every trick in the book to find the right people to fill the job.

Well, we agree!  It’s a candidate short market and we’re always keen to explore new avenues to find new talent.

VlogYourJob is a new recruitment tool which allows candidates to see employers talking about the jobs they are recruiting for – in a video clip.  No more boring A4 job specs and job ads that all sound the same.  It’s a fantastic way to differentiate yourself as an employer and stand out in the recruitment market.  It’s also a great little marketing tool – and it’s not going to cost you an arm and a leg.

Anyway, enough of the sales pitch from me, you can see our MD talking about it here:

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Filed under Recruitment, Vlogging, Web/Tech

Fullrun’s Blogger Roundtable


I went off to the swish Soho Hotel last night as we sponsored Fullrun’s Consumer Blogger Roundtable.  The boss is  always up for sticking a bit of money behind a bar. 

The event kicked off with a panel of five, Michael Parsons from CNET, Chris Price and Katie Lee of Shiny Media, Mat Toor of Dennis Publishing and James Rivington from, and was hosted by Peter Kirwin of Fullrun.

There was a run down on how each of the sites likes to be pitched to (send an email, don’t phone them – especially if it’s just a standard pitch, include quotes and unique pictures, use an interesting subject header), followed by a lively discussion on whether there is a difference between bloggers and journos (some of the panel felt bloggers had more principles than journos…. they shall remain nameless) and how the immediacy of blogging requires a good wireless connection and the press releases to be held off until after a press launch.  Don’t forget to provide some food at a launch either, Michael Parsons is particularly keen to fill his tummy and stop that free champagne from sloshing around his insides.  His poor liver is suffering.  Of course, that’s assuming that you can get a blogger to a launch in the first place – they are self confessed un-socialites. 

"Is blogging dying?" was a question that reared its ugly head once more.  As the panellists work for blog sites, it was unlikely they’d say yes, but there was a general consensus that the blogosphere is platauing (80 million blogs – the vast majority not regularly updated) and as huge amounts of information hit our RSS feeds, as consumers we’ll become more selective about what we’re reading.

There was lots of nodding and muttering among the delegates when the subject of measurement came up.  "Clients aren’t convinced by the audience numbers, or how they’re measured" was the cry from the audience.  On the contrary, said the panel, metrics are now easier to measure than ever.  Unique users and page view stats can be made available to PRs and they can be much more reliable than some of the more measurements used by more traditonal media.  Can they be fiddled?  Probably.  Can traditional media stats be fiddled?  Most definitely. 

So off we trotted to the fabulous Swirl Room for drinks, courtesy of Indigo Red, and some light banter.  I bumped into one of my PR agency clients who is "new to this blogging stuff" and asked me to recommend some PR related blogs to have a look at, so off the top of my head came Drew Benvie, Simon Wakeman, Stephen Davies, The PR Monkey, Strumpette and The World’s Leading.  Those are the blogs that are obviously stuck in the forefront of my consciousness, so sod what Technorati says, they rank highest in my little world and don’t look to be dying any time soon.


Filed under PR, Public Relations, Social Media, Web/Tech

Offer and Acceptance

The time has come to change the name of my blog.  "Wedlog" was terribly short sighted, in that I picked the name whilst in the midst of the whirlwind which was planning my wedding and at the time fitted the blog much better than it does now.  I’m now a smug married with a whole two months of marriage under my belt and so felt it was time to pick a name which reflects the content…. and so Offer and Acceptance is born.  As a recruitment centric blog, with a bias towards the PR industry, Offer and Acceptance reflects two of the most important parts of the recruitment process (the parts that earn recruiters their commission!). 

I’m keeping the URL the same for now, just so that I don’t break any links elsewhere and can keep a track of the stats.  Right or wrong?  I may change my mind in the future.

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Filed under Jobs, Personal, PR, Public Relations, Recruitment, Social Media, Web/Tech

Is this the future?

This You Tube clip is American, but makes interesting reading nonetheless.  Whether the figures predicted are accurate is anyone’s guess but if they are there is one thing for sure, recruiters aren’t going to be out of a job any time soon.

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Filed under Recruitment, Web/Tech

Wii will rock you

This year’s elusive must have present is a Nintendo Wii.  Those clever kids have a console more interactive than ever.  Even girls are meant to like this one although I’m reserving judgement until I get to play on one.  Ever since I bought Himself an xBox for his birthday and then spent hours having to read in the bedroom whilst he zapped aliens, I’ve not been the biggest fan of gaming.

Himself really really wants a Wii.  So, being a doting girlfriend I have tried to buy one.  Everywhere is sold out, with the exception of one online store who is selling that it at £100 over the rrp and some unscrupulous eBay sellers who are doubling the price.  He’lll have to wait until his birthday, or at least until they sort the strap problem out.

Numerous users have reported breaking light shades and TVs as they get a bit excited and wave their arms around.  Now it seems the straps aren’t strong enough and the hand held remotes are flying off in living rooms all over the country.  Some of the more amusing stories can be read on

Looks like Himself will be getting socks for Christmas.

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Filed under Christmas, Games, Web/Tech